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Back and Neck Pain Treatment in New York

Back & Neck Pain: Acute & Chronic

Don’t let back and neck pain derail your health—get help from the top-rated doctors at Spine Specialist New York!

Back and neck pain is something many people will face in life, whether you spend hours bent over your phone or computer, sleep awkwardly, or overwork your muscles on a weekend project. But when your discomfort progresses from a consistent ache to persistent, severe, or disabling pain, it’s time to get help. Why not pop in to see our experienced back pain doctor in New York?

At New York Spine Specialist Chronic, the team is well aware that lower back pain is among the leading causes of disability in the United States. It affects over 4 million adults, with neck and back pain also being some of the top reasons for missed work days. If this sounds familiar, don’t wait too long to make an appointment if you want a decent chance of regaining your quality of life!

Hear what our patients say about their experiences at New York Spine Specialist on our testimonials page.

Understanding Back And Neck Pain

Pain can be either acute or chronic.

Acute back or neck pain occurs over the short term, typically due to stress on the spine from a sudden injury, poor body mechanics, disease, or wear and tear. In most cases, this type of pain subsides within a few days or weeks. You can rest, use over-the-counter medication, or undergo physical therapy.

Chronic pain is ongoing, often debilitating, and disruptive to daily life. Whether it comes on suddenly or not, chronic neck and back pain lasts longer than three months. Although self-care measures can help, chronic pain usually requires comprehensive pain management, including possible surgery from professionals like New York Spine Specialist.

What Causes Back and Neck Pain?

Any kind of pain signals another problem. Your spine is vulnerable to the following conditions and more, any of which can lead to discomfort and reduced mobility:

  • Pinched nerves 
  • Arthritis
  • Bone spur or another abnormal growth
  • Muscle spasms
  • Spinal stenosis 
  • Herniated discs
  • Ligament or muscle tears
  • Degenerative disc disease 

These conditions can stem from anything from an injury to an infection, improper use, osteoporosis, and congenital conditions. Obesity can also contribute to back pain, with one study finding that 15% of overweight men report high back pain or disability.

When Should You Seek Help For Back And Neck Pain In New York?

Have you experienced a sudden injury or trauma that affects your spine? Seek immediate medical attention. 

You should also make an appointment with New York Spine Specialist when you have the following:

  • Ongoing pain that’s dull, sharp, or burning
  • Numbness or tingling in your legs or arms
  • Stiffness anywhere along your spine
  • Shooting pain from your lower back that extends through your buttocks and legs
  • Shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Sharp pains in your neck
  • Limited range of motion 

When you see one of our New York medical providers, they’ll perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine the cause and extent of your condition. The physician starts with your symptoms and medical history and then performs a variety of physical examinations, such as:

  • Checking your strength and range of motion
  • A visual exam to identify any deformities 
  • Palpation of muscle tone 
  • Sensory and reflex testing to check spinal cord function

Your New York spine doctor may also order imaging or diagnostic tests like X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and electromyography. Blood tests, bone scans, ultrasounds, and nerve blocks may also be necessary in nailing down an accurate diagnosis.

New York Professionals Treating Neck And Back Pain

Back and neck problems range from minor aches to severe disabling pain, so treatments vary accordingly. Undergoing spinal surgery is typically the last resort after all other pain relief measures don’t work out. 

At New York Spine Specialist, we take a conservative approach to managing neck and back pain and symptoms of motion limitations. For instance, our physicians will often recommend that you try non-invasive measures to reduce your discomfort, increase muscle strength, improve flexibility and mobility, and increase endurance. A combination of several tactics could help, such as:

  • Medication, including pain relievers and muscle relaxants 
  • Physical therapy
  • Spinal injections to alleviate pain
  • Radiofrequency ablations 
  • Bracing
  • Heat and cold therapy 
  • Rest 

If these treatments do not make a measurable difference to your back and neck pain, your doctor will then explore surgical options. 

New York Spine Specialist is home to New York’s top doctors and pain management specialists. Learn more about the team

Don’t Live With Neck Pain, Back Pain, Or Limited Mobility—call Our New York Team Today!

If your back or neck pain lingers or worsens, don’t wait to make an appointment with our compassionate medical providers at New York Spine Specialist. Call (516) 355-0111 today or schedule an appointment online. Our doctors accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection), and same-day appointments may be available.

Frequently Asked Questions About Neck And Back Pain

Only about 10% of people need back surgery for spinal conditions that cause pain. Most people find relief with consistent, non-invasive treatment alternatives.

Neck and back pain is an emergency when you experience any of the following:

  • Loss of balance or motor function
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Weakness or numbness in your arms or legs
  • Loss of feeling in your groin, buttocks, or inner thighs

Many people downplay their symptoms, but immediate medical attention could help avoid serious consequences and long-term damage.

You can get rid of neck and back pain in various ways. For example, New York Spine Specialist may suggest rest, ice and heat, compression, and elevation at home. They may also recommend prescription medication or over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for mild to moderate back and neck pain.

If you’d like to know more about the possible causes of back spasms, be sure to ask the team at New York Spine Specialist more at your consultation.

Low back pain can range from mild, dull, annoying pain to persistent, severe, disabling pain in the lower back. This type of pain can restrict mobility and interfere with normal functioning and quality of life. It is the leading cause of disability in the United States, but there are steps to take to prevent the persistence of back pain.

Neck pain is pain that occurs in the area of the cervical vertebrae in the neck. Because of its location and range of motion, the neck is often left unprotected and subject to injury.